воскресенье, 16 января 2005
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этот текст))) этот текст: They wake up everyday, do their morning exercises and clean their teeth. Everyday then go to the work. They get new task everyday. Everyday they stand up opposite the door. They come to it, take the door-knob and open the door... And every night in somebody's small and dark nursery from the ware case monsters come out and frighten children, and make them crying. The frightening is their work, they are professional frighteners from «Monsters Inc." This company is some kind of small private power station. The children's shout in Monster city is used as an energy source. The child has shouted and bulb can light all the night long at some monster and monster can easy read the favorites newspaper before dream.
But if you think, that monsters are afraid of nobody, you deeply are mistaken. Monsters up to horror are afraid... Children. There is nothing more terribly, than to touch him or to bring from the real world his any thing. But what will take place, if in the world of monsters the small child suddenly will appear? It also happened with Салли, the best пугальщиком to the company. After the termination of the next successful change, it has come across a neutral door.Curiosity has got the best of care and it has opened her, however the room appeared empty. More precisely, it so thought. It also has not noticed as the little girl проскользнула from the room in the world of monsters.
Disney's this joint child and Pixar has inherited all best, that could give these two companies. From Disney - amusing and kind history. She, unfortunately, not such ridiculous as "Шрек" or "Геракл", namely amusing. But very kind and very lovely. Personally I even have shed a few tears at the end of film. At what I not unique who so considers, whether in vain that this history has collected more than 300 million dollars only in the American hire and long time was in ten profit-making films. From Pixar film has received magnificent computer animation. Monsters were looked more vividly people in " Last imagination ". More vividly and more lovely, it is unequivocal. The present professionals worked above film. Peter Dokter has created both parts " Histories of toys ", David Silverman worked above "Simpsons". Work of actors of John Gudmana (" the Bar Disgusting койот "
and Bill Kristala (" Favourites of America ", " Analyze it "
to estimate it was more complex because of muffled translation, but like at them all has turned out. So do not pass this film, as Disney's last work " Атлантида: the forgotten world " appeared on the order worse.